Zero Waste and Plastics Webinar, with Enzo Favoino

Last Thursday, Enzo Favoino, Chair of the Scientific Committee of Zero Waste Europe, hosted a webinar for the collective discussing “The growing plastic tide – causes and solutions, from global strategies to local practice” and “Zero waste as the perfect toolkit for a Circular Economy”.

Today, many communities are adopting a “Zero Waste” approach to optimise their waste management, benefit the environment, save money and create jobs. In his webinar, Enzo looked at how the zero waste strategy works, the results it delivers, and how it contributes to multiple environmental, societal and sustainability goals.  

Enzo also highlighted the growing concern about leakage of plastics into oceans and the environment. The problem is multi-faceted, from degradation of landscapes and destruction of wildlife, to micro-plastics entering the food web and subsequently the human body. Enzo explained the global dimension of the problem, its causes and trends, and how an understanding of these may help us to assess appropriate strategies and policies to tackle the issue, and what various actors, from policy-makers to businesses to individuals, can do to help.

The webinar is available to watch below or on our youtube channel.