Lanka Environment Fund 2022 projects
Introducing the projects supported by the Lanka Environment Fund across 2022
Corridors for Conservation
Local Partner: Wilderness & Wildlife Conservation Trust
Habitat fragmentation poses a serious threat to wildlife. This project identifies important biodiversity areas with a highly fragmented mixed-use landscape used by species such as the Sri Lankan leopard and the globally endangered pangolin, establishing them as conservation corridors. To date, leopards and 22 other mammal species have been detected using the three protected corridors, proving the success of the initiative.
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Nurdle Free Lanka
Local partner: Pearl Protectors
Through this project, 1540 kgs of toxic nurdles have been removed from the Sri Lankan coastline in the wake of the X Press Pearl maritime disaster which occurred in May 2021. A fore aboard the MV X Press Pearl caused containers to capsize into the ocean releasing a number of toxic chemicals as well as billions of plastic pellets known as ‘nurdles’ into the ocean.
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Say NO to bushmeat
Local partner: Parrotfish Collective and Small Cat Advocacy
Over 50 leopards have died in the last decade due to the indiscriminate use of snares; mainly deployed to fuel the growing demand for bush meat. This 16-month trilingual campaign sought to change public perception on consuming bush meat and help consumers better understand how their actions have negative consequences on biodiversity populations around the island.
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Invasive Alien Species Removal
Local Partner: FEO Sri Lanka
With experts estimating that around 5% of the land area at the Lunugamvehera National Park being currently taken over by invasive alien species (IAS), rapid response in preventing seed dispersal is critical. To date, 40 ha of IAS have been removed, thereby restoring the habitat that is frequented by elephants and ungulates.
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Mannar Region System Solutions (MARESSOL)
Local Partner: SALT, IUCN, Suganthi Devadason Marine Research Institute
This multi-stakeholder project aims to offer a holistic solution to limit the fishing industry related marine debris that is polluting this area. It will offer policy recommendations to relevant government organizations, facilitate community engagement activities such as awareness programs and plans to pilot a pragmatic solution which will aim to up-cycling / recycling of fishing industry related marine debris such as nets or buoys.
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Mangrove Conservation
Local Partner: Wildlife & Nature Protection Society
The establishment of aquaculture projects in the 1990’s decimated Sri Lanka’s northwestern mangrove ecosystems. This project is restoring degraded habitat within the Vidattaltivu Nature Reserve. LEF has been involved in the production of an awareness video about the environmental benefits of VNR, facilitating workshops, participating in planning sessions and handling the rollout of a public awareness campaign. The LEF has been actively promoting the adoption of nature based solutions such as the establishment of blue carbon credit programmes within this area and as a first step has funded the VNR Seagrass Assessment which will take stock of the carbon stocks and seagrass species located within VNR.
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Project COLIBRI: Community Livelihood and Biodiversity Recovery
Local Partner: The Environmental Foundation, Blue Resources Trust, Green Movement Sri Lanka
This project will help safeguarding the fragile coastal reef ecosystems of the Bar Reef Marine Sanctuary by strengthening civil society’s capacity to promote sustainable use of natural resources and improve local community livelihoods.
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Wonders of the Wetlands
Local Partner: Love a Tree Foundation
This project has educated over 250 youth on the importance of wetland ecosystems and has increased direct engagement at wetland sites in Colombo.
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