Leuser Ecosystem Action Fund – new Conservation Collective member
Three years ago a group of friends created the Leuser Ecosystem Action Fund (LEAF) to secure the magical forests on Sumatra.
LEAF’s launch event raised over £500,000, as the Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation and dozens of individual donors invested in the future of this vast landscape – the last place on Earth where orangutans, rhinos, elephants and tigers co-exist in the wild.
Since then, LEAF has leveraged nearly the same amount again via other foundation donors, with this money passed directly to its grant partners among leading conservation and campaign groups. The donations have contributed to a score of incredible outcomes including the cancellation of a major dam scheme in the heart of the rainforest, the strengthening of local wildlife protection laws, and the ceaseless efforts of forest ranger teams who remove poacher’s snares and build goodwill with local communities.
We’re really delighted to announce that LEAF is now an affiliate of the Conservation Collective.
Please click here to see LEAF’s latest newsletter which highlights the successes it’s had in the last three years and describes a new £300,000 match-funding appeal, made possible by supporters of the Ormeley Conservation Dinner (we’ve just received our first pledge for £35,000!).
Despite the incredible work of our local partners, the victories are fragile, and at a time when Covid-19 is increasing the threat to Indonesia’s wildlife, we are asking hoping to kick-start our appeal.
Contact LEAF’s executive director Harriet Williams (leaf@conservation-collective.org) to find out more.
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Photo credits: Paul Hilton