Cyclades Preservation Fund Newsletter

The Cyclades Preservation Fund have released their Summer Newsletter and it is full of exciting achievements from over the last couple of months. Some highlights include:

  • Women associations have eliminated disposable plastics from their events and replaced them with reusable materials whilst learning how to reduce, reuse and recycle waste and compost better.
  • Fishermen have decreased their fishing activities to let fish reproduce, meanwhile helping to reduce plastic pollution, consequently fish stocks remain viable and marine mammals have become fishermen’s friends.
  • Parent/teacher associations have embraced CPF’s efforts to create school botanical gardens that familiarize young islanders with the most emblematic plants of the Cycladic flora and help them understand the importance of a healthy and stable island ecosystem.
  • Students are supporting the environment through the creation of mobile apps which map paths and special points of interest, these enable visitors to appreciate the local nature of their islands.


Read the full newsletter here.