IbizaPreservation welcomes new Executive Director
IbizaPreservation has appointed journalist Inma Saranova as its new Executive Director. She has taken on the role after more than six years at the helm of the Más de Uno programme at the Onda Cero Ibiza and Formentera radio station.
Saranova, who has a doctorate in development cooperation, has already been working with the environmental foundation for two years as the technical coordinator of its Sustainability Observatory.
“Inma has done a fantastic job analysing and making known the data collected by the Observatory in its annual reports and is a great connoisseur of the issues that affect Ibiza and Formentera in terms of sustainability”, said the president of the foundation, Philip Muelder. “We are excited to welcome her as director and we are convinced that she is the right person to lead the foundation into this next stage,” says Muelder.
According to Saranova, one of her main challenges in the new role is to try to help the islands advance towards the environmental markers established by the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) under its 2030 Agenda. “The SDGs are achievable and inclusive objectives, which all sectors of society must aim for. I believe it is crucial that IbizaPreservation helps to establish alliances between citizens, associations, administrations and the business network of Ibiza and Formentera, to help us reach these goals. Sustainability must be a priority in order to ensure the well-being of the overall community of the islands”, said Saranova.
Saranova replaces Sandra Benbeniste, who left the foundation in June after almost a decade at the helm of the organisation to take on a new role as director of sustainability EMEA at the Iberostar group.