Spotlight on the Director

This week we spoke to Rebecca, Executive Director of the MEPF, to hear more about her vision for both the MEPF and the wider natural environment as we head into 2021.

Is there a specific area of focus in your work that you are most interested in? Why?

When we first set up the MEPF I was absolutely sure that my favourite area of work was going to be Marine Conservation. I have grown up in Menorca’s waters and it seems key to me to bring our community closer to the sea, put it in value and increase awareness on the importance of what happens under the water as much as what happens above it. YET, the more I learn in this role, along with the more projects and organisations we support, the harder I find it to choose a favourite area of interest. I am fascinated by the transition to a more sustainable model of local food production and our role in supporting this but at the same time, I find Menorca’s ambitious energy transition to renewables very exciting – in summary, I can’t choose one favourite area of interest anymore but think they are all equally important and necessary to ensure a sustainable future for Menorca.

What are you most excited about for the future of the MEPF?

I’m excited to keep working, keep learning and keep growing – I feel the MEPF has a key role to play, along with the brilliant organisations we are supporting and I am so excited about what we can all do by working together. Collaboration for me is the essence of our work and it is exciting to see that when you manage to create or support collaborative initiatives the positive impact on both our environment and our community is so much broader than when working alone.

To learn more about the MEPF please visit their website by clicking here.