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The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change published in March 2022 a report on climate change trends that left no doubts on the need to take real and effective action right now. It concluded that unless more and more effective work is done, the rate and severity of extreme climatic events like floods, droughts and heat waves will continue to increase; leading acute humanitarian and biodiversity crises.
One in three people are exposed to deadly heat stress and this is projected to increase to 50% to 75% by the end of the century.
Climate modelling predicts that there is a 67% probability that 1.5ºC target will be exceeded as early as 2030.
The average temperatures in 2020 were 1.76ºC warmer than the 20th century average – making it the second hottest year on record.
SOURCE: (IPCC, 2022)
The nature-based solutions that our foundations support – including reforestation, forest protection and seagrass restoration – will play a key part in mitigation of climate change as they are incredibly effective at capturing carbon and have the potential to provide jobs and alternative livelihoods to millions