Spotlight on the Director
Spotlight Series
Over the coming weeks we will be asking the amazing directors from each fund within our network to answer a series of questions about what drives and inspires the work they do. The first to feature is Anni, Executive Director of the Cyclades Preservation Fund.

Is there a specific area of focus in your work that you are most interested in? Why?
I love interacting with local champions and building relationships built on mutual trust and respect for each other’s work. Working closely with the islanders while hearing their stories and learning from their wisdom is the only way to move forward and implement projects that make a difference to the whole community.
What are you most excited about for the future of the CPF?
The CPF uses love, confidence and knowledge to build a strong community, which brings together people with different mentalities and backgrounds but who share the same vision, and this is priceless. I am confident that the CPF will continue growing its family and our home will become the natural shelter for the preservation of our islands’ beauty.
What are some simple steps people can take to help their local environment either in the Cyclades specifically or around the world?
Wherever you are based, stay close to nature and watch it carefully. Ask and try to learn more about the wildlife, the land and the sea that surround you, and the services they provide to the ecosystem and your life. Do this exercise with your kids. Ask older generations how things used to be 20 years ago and imagine how your place will be in 20 years if things continue how they are now. Think of your personal choices. Become a critical and responsible consumer, visitor, resident. Trust the experts and support them in every possible way.